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2022-07-14 17:31
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1、7 #596 door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught 8 u good, who, blue, soup,9 #650 look, put, women, could 10 #652 cup, come, blood, rough 11;Obama playing basketball with US military at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti in 2006209In June 1989, Obama met Michelle Robinson when he was employed as a summer associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley;安踏收购始祖鸟交易被看好,传Lululemon创始人将加入收购计划 时间2018年12月5日作者CAT 近日,安踏宣布联合私募基金 FountainVest Partners 方源资本组成财团,收购芬兰高端体育用品巨头Amer Sports,交易价格40欧元股,交易。

2、第五组 50个 likeprep 像,跟一样 look like 看起来像 comevi 来 meetvt 见面会面遇见 familyn 家家庭 dadn 口语爸爸爹爹 mothern 母亲 mumn 口语妈妈 sonn;Lulu lemon瑜伽服装品牌露露柠檬 Lululemon 短短几年时间就从众多体育服装品牌中脱颖而出,而且Lululemon如今已俨然成为时尚的代名词无论是大牌明星还是普通主妇,每人都以拥有一件Lululemon的产品为荣艾薇儿詹妮弗·。

3、1 Sport A What kind of sports do you like?B I like volleyball, but I can#39t play it wellA I like golf, but it#39s too expensiveB Yes I like going jogging and swimmingA Yeah I like。


4、Waiter Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding Tom Well, I think we#39#39ll order after we finish the main course Waiter All right, I#39#39ll bring the soup right away 饭店用餐 侍者;327 lemon 柠檬328 pear 梨329 peach 桃子330 banana 香蕉331 Tshirt T恤衫332 shirt 衬衫333 377 sport 运动378 bus stop公共汽车停靠点379 way方式,道路380 word单词381 bowl碗382 class班级,等级;It wasn#39t pulling my weight in the boat It was spoiling sport And among seven children it got me In case you are wondering, caterpillars taste like the green leaves they eat, and ants taste of lemon I。



6、运动服装品牌值得推荐的有1始祖鸟ARC#39TERYX 1989年创立于加拿大VANCOUVER,由于其对新工艺和新技术近乎疯狂的追求,在短短十几年时间内,成长成为公认的北美乃至全球领导型的户外品牌2002年ARC#39TERYX进入中国,三夫公司是。


